NovaMin formulations

Innovative NovaMin technology

NovaMin is specially formulated in Sensodyne Repair & Protect and Sensodyne Clinical Repair toothpastes. The non-aqueous formulation ensures NovaMin becomes active in saliva, working with natural oral physiology to repair sensitive teeth*2-6

  • Once in contact with saliva, NovaMin initiates a cascade of ionic exchanges, involving sodium and hydrogen ions, resulting in a localised pH rise
  • The release of sodium ions, coupled with the localised pH rise and the release of calcium and phosphate ions, facilitates the precipitation and crystallization of a calcium phosphate hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA) which binds to collagen fibres in exposed dentine, forming a dynamic protective layer over dentine
  • Once bound to dentine, NovaMin particles act as calcium and phosphate reservoirs, forming a protective hydroxyapatite-like layer over exposed dentine tubules to help protect against dentine hypersensitivity pain*Forms a protective layer over the sensitive areas of the teeth. Brush twice a day for lasting sensitivity protection

*Forms a protective layer over the sensitive areas of the teeth. Brush twice a day for lasting sensitivity protection

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Graphic depicting development of NovaMin, from 1969 to Sensodyne NovaMin toothpaste formulations launched in the 2010s

From bioglass to NovaMin3

The first bioglass was invented by American Professor Larry Hench during the Vietnam war, in his pursuit to develop a material that could bond to bone.

NovaMin was first harnessed for oral care applications in 2000s after use of particulate bioglass materials in clinical applications for bones in the middle ear and elsewhere.

NovaMin helps form an occlusive layer over exposed dentine1,2

Image of NovaMin particles

NovaMin activates immediately on contact with saliva

The chemical name for NovaMin is calcium sodium phosphosilicate (CSPS).7 The use of imaging and analysis techniques has demonstrated, in vitro, the reaction of CSPS from an amorphous material to a crystalline hydroxyapatite-like material.7 The calcium and phosphate content of the CSPS are involved in the development of the hydroxyapatite-like material.7 These experiments also confirmed an occlusion mode of action for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity.7

NovaMin works on contact with saliva to occlude exposed dentine.

Image adapted from Earl J et al. 2011. Real time Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy images of NovaMIn powder in water at a) 0 hours and b) 18 hours.

SEM image of hydroxyapatite-like layer over exposed dentine

NovaMin regenerates a hydroxyapatite-like layer over and within exposed dentine3,4,7,8

The image above is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image showing the layer formed on treated dentine samples both over and within dentine tubules.7

The image shows a cross section of the dentine after 5 days treatment. The layer is approximately 1µm thick and has occluded the tubules to at least the depth of the cut.7

An in vitro cross-section, SEM image of hydroxyapatite-like layer formed by supersaturated NovaMin solution in artificial saliva after five days (no brushing).7

In vitro studies have shown that the layer formed binds strongly to collagen within exposed dentine.3,4,7,8

SEM image adapted from Earl et al. 20117

Study summary

  • TEM image of dentine at 2000nm

    Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) image of dentine at 2000nm

    The occluded dentine tubule runs from top to bottom of the image.1

    TEM image of dentine at 500nm

    Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) image of dentine at 500nm

    High magnification showing NovaMin as the occluding material adjacent to inner wall of dentine tubule.1

    TEM image of dentine at 200nm

    Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) image of dentine at 200nm

    Very high magnification of the previous image showing crystalline calcium phosphate deposited adjacent to and among collagen fibres of dentine.1

    TEM, transmission electron microscope TEM images are of dentine after 5 days of in vitro NovaMin treatment and are adapted from Earl et al. 20111

  • Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of dentine surface showing layer formed post brushing retained after acid challenge

    NovaMin toothpaste forms a reparative hydroxyapatite-like layer which is resistant to everyday oral challenges

    In vitro studies have shown the hydroxyapatite-like layer formed with NovaMin is resistant to acid challenge:

    • In vitro studies have demonstrated the robustness of the layer to chemical (dietary acid) challenge (Earl et al, 2011; Burwell et. al., 2010; Wang et. al., 2010; Parkinson et al 2011).1,6,8,9
    • In vitro studies have demonstrated the robustness of the layer to physical challenge (brushing and microhardness indenter) (Parkinson et al 2011).8

    We see in the SEM images, from an in vitro study conducted in 2011, dentine pre-treatment, post-brushing and then post acid challenge. The third image shows that the layer formed by NovaMin is robust to challenge by common dietary acids.1

    Image adapted from Earl et al 2011.1 Brushing challenge: 200 brush strokes with wet (deionized water) medium bristle manual tooth brushing machine. In vitro SEM images of the tooth surface after twice-daily brushing for 4 days with water, of a reparative layer formed after twice-daily brushing for 4 days with a Novamin technology, and of the reparative layer post 5-minute cola challenge. Control = Dentine surface after 4 days brushing with water and immersion in artificial saliva.

  • X-ray plots of dentine graph

    The Ca:P ratio of the hydroxyapatite-like layer is ~1.67, similar to that of dentine and hydroxyapatite1

    When overlaid, energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) microscopy plots of the new reparative layer (hydroxyapatite-like layer) and the dentine surface confirm their similar inorganic compositions.7

  • Graph to show the increased microhardness of the layer formed by NovaMin vs dentine and competitor

    In vitro studies conducted in 2011 have shown the hydroxyapatite-like layer formed with NovaMin is harder than dentine.

    Following 4 days of twice-daily brushing, dentine samples were assessed for surface microhardness using a Knoop diamond tip indenter. A positive change from baseline is indicative of the surface becoming harder through the experiment.

    After four days of treatment, including 2 days of twice-daily acid challenge, the NovaMin toothpaste formulation demonstrated a statistically significant (p<0.05) greater increase in surface microhardness compared to the comparators.

    The graph shows the relative changes in microhardness and includes a representation for the hardness of dentine which shows the layer formed by NovaMin is harder than dentine.

    Graph adapted from Parkinson et al 2011.8 Twice-daily brushing with Sensodyne toothpaste containing 5% NovaMin, with an electric toothbrush for 4 days.

  • Graph to show reduction in hydraulic conductance correlating to tubule occlusion

    This in vitro study was conducted using a Hydraulic Conductance model to determine the reduction in fluid flow rate through dentine tubules, which correlates to tubule occlusion. Samples were sourced for this study in 2022 and the study was presented at IADR 2023.10

    Three toothpastes were shown to be significantly more effective in occluding dentine tubules than the rest of the toothpastes, with Sensodyne non-aqueous toothpaste containing NovaMin reducing the flow rate significantly (96.05%; p≤0.03) more than other tested products.

    The study also indicated that non-Aqueous products seem to perform better than products that contain water.

    Chart adapted from Moghaddam B, et al. Benchmarking Hydraulic Conductance Study on Market Leading Sensitivity Toothpastes. Presentation at IADR 202310

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  • Graph showing mean Schiff sensitivity score

    Clinically significant sensitivity improvements in 2 weeks*11

    This exploratory, randomized, examiner blind, parallel group, 11-week controlled study was completed in healthy adults with self-reported and clinically diagnosed dentine hypersensitivity with 135 subjects randomised to treatment.

    The 3 treatment groups used either a) toothpaste with 5% NovaMin + fluoride, b) toothpaste with arginine, calcium carbonate + fluoride or c) a regular toothpaste.

    Two independent stimulus-based efficacy measures were used to assess DH: tactile (using a Yeaple probe) and evaporative (air) sensitivity (Schiff sensitivity score).

    The 5% NovaMin toothpaste was shown to be effective in relieving dentine hypersensitivity in 2 weeks and improvements continued throughout the 12-week study.

    *with continued useChart adapted from Hall C et al. J Dent 2017; 60: 36-4311

  • tooth sensitivity improvement graphs using tactile threshold and Schiff sensitivity score

    Effective protection against the pain of sensitive teeth, and enduring resilience*

    This data is from a 24 week, non-comparative clinical study in healthy adults (n=75) with clinically confirmed dentine hypersensitivity (DH). Subjects brushed for 24 weeks with a non-aqueous toothpaste with 5% NovaMin and 1426ppm fluoride.

    DH was assessed at intervals over the 24-week period in response to evaporative (air) stimulus (Schiff sensitivity score) and a tactile stimulus.

    All sensitivity measures demonstrated clinically significant ongoing reductions compared with baseline over the 24-week period.

    This long-term data demonstrates ongoing efficacy over 6 months with twice daily brushing, associated with improved oral health-related quality of life.12,13

    Graph adapted from Haleon Data on File study RH01897 synopsis report 2014.13*With continued use

    Clinical summary

  • Graph to show reduction in quality of life impact score (DHEQ)

    This is from the same 24 week study. The dentine hypersensitivity experience questionnaire (DHEQ) was used to assess changes in subject-perceived DH before and during treatment in addition to traditional DH pain scores. These measures are indicative of oral health related quality of life (OHrQoL).

    All DHEQ measures, with the exception of the global oral health rating, demonstrated ongoing improvements in OHRQoL across the extended study period.12,13

    Chart adapted from Haleon Data on File Study RH01897 Synopsis Report 2014.13

    Clinical summary

Sensodyne Clinical Repair NovaMin toothpaste packshots

Sensodyne Clinical Repair toothpaste with NovaMin

Sensodyne Clinical Repair toothpaste is our next generation Sensodyne with 5% NovaMin.

Sensodyne Repair & Protect toothpaste

Sensodyne Repair & Protect toothpaste

Sensodyne Repair & Protect toothpaste is powered by NovaMin.

#1 dentist recommended brand for people with sensitive teeth

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