Patient Stories: Thank You Dentist

Callie wants to say Thank You

Callie went skiing for the first time and the cold wind hit her teeth. It triggered tooth sensitivity which was so uncomfortable she had to call Jenny, her dentist of 6 years, from the ski resort. Jenny recommended Sensodyne and it made all the difference.

We already know about the many ways you make a difference and we want to help when it comes to dentine hypersensitivity. Would you like some Sensodyne samples to go with your recommendation?

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Behind every thank you


Made them feel old


Made them feel old


How you can make a difference

  • A little conversation on tooth sensitivity can change a lot for your patients

    For Callie it was the cold alpine air and for Annabel it was an iced latte. Their dentists recommended Sensodyne and it made a real difference. Don’t let dentine hypersensitivity hamper the moments that matter to your patients, we already know you make a difference in many ways and we want to help.

    If you would like us to send you some samples, please use the link below.

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  • Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Study

    Up to 1 in 3 patients may suffer from sensitivity1 but may not recognize there is a solution for it or even want to talk to you about it.1

    The Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire (DHEQ) offers in-depth insight into patient experiences by looking at the everyday impact sensitivity can have on quality of life.2-4 

    Patients may adopt various habits to cope with sensitivity, including changing the way they eat and drink. Up to 80% of them will try to avoid contact between triggers and certain teeth. But despite this, they may not seek a solution.2

    This is often because patients are not aware that this is a common problem and it can be managed simply.

    Sensodyne has many years of experience working with leading experts in the field of sensitivity and we want to help make a difference to the daily comfort and overall quality of life of your patients. To read more about the full impact of sensitivity, download the DHEQ Study Report below.

    (1) Addy, M. International Dental Journal 2002; 52:367-375

    (2) Bolko et al. Condition and validation of the quality of life measure for dentine hypersensitivity (DHEQ). Jour Clin Perio 2010; 37:972-980

    (3) Baker, S et al; J Dent Res 2013; 92 (Spec Iss A): 2766

    (4) Baker, S. DHEQ data mining study. GSK Data on file RH02026. 2014

    Download the DHEQ Study Report here

  • Identifying and managing sensitivity

    As you’re aware, dentine hypersensitivity is a common problem and with your diagnosis and advice, your patients can manage it. For a quick refresher on best practices, use the link to read more.

    Best practices

Other ways to make a difference

The story of tooth sensitivity

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Made them feel old

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Made them feel old

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