422 result(s)
Resources For Health Professionals | Haleon HealthPartner
Learn about Haleon HealthPartner, which develops and markets consumer preferred and expert recommended brands in oral health, pain relief and more.
Accessibility Overview | Haleon Oral HealthPartner
Learn about accessibility on the Haleon HealthPartner website here. We continue to test and modify this website against accessibility guidelines.
IADR Sponsorships and Partnerships | Haleon HealthPartner
Find out more about the mission of the International Association for Dental Research here with helpful information from Haleon Oral HealthPartner.
ADEA Sponsorships and Partnerships | Haleon HealthPartner
Discover how the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) is the voice of dental education in the United States with Haleon Oral HealthPartner.
Erosive Toothwear Foundation | sponsorships and partnerships
Learn how The Erosive Toothwear Foundation is bringing together scientific expertise from leading academics and major oral health companies with Haleon HealthPartner.