The Haleon Pain Index 5th Edition

Image of person in pain with words describing how they feel

The impact of pain

The Haleon Pain Index is a proprietary social study, designed to give a voice to those experiencing pain. It is grounded in real-world insights—the first of its kind to explore the impact of pain on people’s everyday lives, their feelings, emotions, motivations, and behavior, and to put the human experience at the center.

In the Haleon Pain Index 5th Edition, we look at critical insights from both a healthcare provider and patient perspective to address the person behind the pain, and importantly, enact meaningful and positive change.

These insights will help you better understand the true impact of pain on your patients.

Download the US fact sheet to read more.


Map of the world markets tracked

A survey based on real-world insights

The Haleon Pain Index 5th Edition explores the issue of inclusion through a societal lens, as well as health literacy, access to medicine, and prejudice.


To gain a comprehensive overview of how pain impacts different populations, Haleon conducted:

  • A 30-minute online survey of 18,000+ people across 18 countries
  • A 15-minute online survey of 600+ healthcare professionals across 4 countries

The Index is anchored in our commitment to deliver better everyday health with humanity, by breaking down the barriers between healthcare professionals and patients to improve clinical outcomes.

What did we uncover?

  • Pain can cause debilitating emotional effects

    63% of people are affected by pain emotionally

    Beyond the physical impact, people in pain experience emotional pain and anguish. Sadly, they have trouble functioning and performing everyday activities, like work, exercise, and socializing. As a result, 63% say they find it difficult to enjoy life. They isolate themselves and disappear in their pain, which is leading to a new epidemic of loneliness. Understanding and, importantly, uncovering these “invisible” aspects of pain are critical for overall patient wellbeing.

  • Society is failing people in pain

    39% of people say talking about pain is taboo

    People are afraid of the stigma around pain and would rather suffer than be seen as weak, fussy, or as making excuses. This is especially true for different ages, races, genders, or sexual orientation. In fact, the latest Haleon Pain Index uncovered that the people worst affected by these hardening views of pain—such as women, people of color, LGBTQ+, Gen Z—are those who already experience bias, discrimination, and exclusion in society.

  • Breaking down the barriers for more inclusive healthcare

    Image of people of different ethnic backgrounds

    Getting patients to talk about pain has never been easy. Societal and cultural taboos affect how patients discuss pain, even with professionals.

    But by breaking down the barriers and looking at pain with greater empathy, more meaningful conversations will emerge and with them improved clinical outcomes. Haleon is here to support this important initiative, as we #ListenToPain.

    See the most recent US statistics from the Haleon Pain Index 5th Edition.


Explore more resources for better conversations and better clinical outcomes

Listen to pain video

Pain is never just one word

Learn more about the social and emotional impact of pain on patients’ lives.

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Patient stories

#ListenToPain Patient Profiles

Knowing the person behind the pain can help you provide more personalized treatment strategies.

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Advil Pain Equity Project

The Advil Pain Equity Project

Learn about how we are helping to address pain bias through research, education, and collaboration.

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