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Dry Mouth: Management

Dentist with patient

Managing Dry Mouth

A multidisciplinary approach is recommended for the management of Dry Mouth.1 Effective treatment is tailored to individual patients needs.1

The Role of the Dental Professional in Dry Mouth1

Management of Dry Mouth should both relieve symptoms and prevent its associated oral health implications.

The dental professional is key in proactively identifying patients at risk before more serious and irreversible oral consequences occur.

The symptoms of Dry Mouth can have a profound effect on patients. Advice should include how to manage and relieve symptoms, thereby helping to improve patients' quality of life.

Dry Mouth Management: Multidisciplinary Care

A multidisciplinary approach is recommended by guidelines for reducing the symptoms associated with Dry Mouth.6

Education Systemic disease management Oral health maintenance Improving saliva flow Palliative measures
Raising patient awareness of the causes of Dry Mouth and the preventive measures they can take
Consultation with the patient’s healthcare providers around the management of systemic conditions and medications
Frequent professional assessment of oral health and preventive measures as needed Pharmacological treatment with salivary stimulants Non-pharmacological measures for improving symptoms, such as over-the-counter rinses, toothpastes or gels

Offer Your Dry Mouth Patients a Solution That Suits Their Different Needs, Around the Clock*

*after 28 days of use

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Dry Mouth's Impact on Patient Quality of Life

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Dry Mouth Diagnosis

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