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Denture Impact on Quality of Life

Patient quotes in a speech bubble

New denture wearers can face a difficult transition1–4

New patients may have unrealistic expectations for their new dentures,1 and the transition from natural teeth can be traumatic.2

The Personal Impact of Dentures

  • Impact on relationships

    Impact on relationships

    63% of patients with full dentures have biofilm and calculus on their dentures6

  • Trapped food

    Trapped food image

    Trapped food

    Entrapped food particles can cause pain and irritation.5 Trapped food is the #1 denture wearer complaint with 86% of denture wearers experiencing discomfort from trapped food.4

The Transition to Dentures Can be Traumatic

  • 32% icon

    Tooth extraction

    Tooth extraction can be traumatic for patients and often results in accelerated bone resorption.2

    32% experienced reduction in horizontal bone dimension within 3 months after extraction.7

  • Immediate dentures icon

    Immediate dentures

    Immediate dentures play an important role:2

    • Aesthetic, psychological and functional reasons
    • Bandage and protect extraction wounds
    • Helps prevent bleeding

    But the transition can be challenging for patients:2

    • Changes in denture fit and comfort
    • Poor retention

    Key challenges facing the new denture patient:2

    • Discomfort
    • The psychological impact of tooth loss, which increases in impact with the number of teeth lost
    • Accepting that removable dentures do not provide the same functional benefit as natural teeth
    • Reduction in quality of life: avoiding particular foods, difficulty relaxing, avoidance of social situations8
  • Dentures

    In a 2015 study, the majority of patients with partial dentures reported tooth loss as the most common condition suffered; impacting their overall quality of life.11

  • Up to 30% icon

    Excessive functional forces on natural teeth may cause further mobility and tooth loss.9,12-14

    Up to 30% of natural teeth abutting dentures demonstrated increased mobility.*12

    • Retentive clasps may be unsuitable or lose retention over time13
    • Retention may become more dependent upon the mucosa and muscular control13

Patients brushing twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste should remove the partial denture first.

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