Polident ProPartial Health Care Professional Resource
Polident ProPartial Health Care Professional Resource
Polident ProPartial is a simple 3-STEP range specially developed to cleanse partial dentures, help strengthen teeth, and help protect against odor-causing bacteria. Patients with new partial dentures may be younger, busy, and socially active. They often have concerns around further tooth loss as well as smiling, speaking, and eating with a partial.1 You can help them form a new routine to protect their partial and remaining teeth. Equip your patients to stand up to further tooth loss by recommending Polident ProPartial – for patients with partial dentures. It’s important for your patient with partials to know that they need specialized care.
Partial denture wearers have been neglected by the industry for years. The New Polident ProPartial range is a breakthrough in denture care. By using Polident Pro Partial products, your patient has 3 different products that can help support good oral health habits as partial denture wearers. This downloadable pdf was designed for you to get an easy understanding of how Polident ProPartial can help your patient.