Sharing how to manage the orthodontic-restorative patients
The relationship between orthodontics and restorative dentistry encompasses several important aspects:
- **Alignment for Restorations**: Proper alignment of teeth is essential before starting any restorative dental work. This alignment provides a stable and symmetrical foundation for restorations such as crowns or bridges.
- **Fit and Longevity**: Ensuring that restorations fit perfectly within the dental arch enhances the effectiveness and lifespan of these materials.
- **Space Management**: Orthodontics plays a key role in the precise placement of restorative procedures and dental implants. Proper alignment and spacing help restorations function effectively and prevent future complications.
- **Enhancing Aesthetics and Long-Term Oral Health**: Early correction of dental issues and alignment problems can prevent more significant issues later on, such as tooth loss or costly restorations. The integration of orthodontic treatment with restorative dentistry aims to achieve a lifetime of good dental health.
Event Date: 5-Feb-25
Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Time: 13:00 PM
Duration: 1 Hour
Language: Thai
Presenter Name : Pennapa Srivicharnkul,D.D.S, Assoc.Prof.Pong Pongprueksa,D.D.S, Ph.D.