Pain Treatment Protocols

Our pain toolkit helps you personalise solutions

Every day you face questions about pain from patients. Because their pain is never one word. Haleon Pain Index informs us that 62% of patients would like greater awareness of how pain is individualised and 21% would like to focus on individual differences of gender and ethnicity. Our pain toolkit helps you personalize solutions through a plethora of resources.

Headshot of a woman around middle age frowning in pain

Pain treatment protocols

Pain protocols is a stepwise approach to manage commonly seen pain states. Step 1 is pain assessment, achieved by asking the right questions and identifying symptoms. This is followed by step 2, identifying treatment considerations, and step 3, which is recommending treatments and planning a follow up.

Close-up photo of a woman’s face with her eyes furrowed in pain

Headache pain protocol

Headaches can vary in severity, ranging from something that can go away on its own to something that would need strong medication from over the counter. In some cases prescription medication will be needed. The pain protocol will help you make the right recommendation for your patients’ headache treatment.

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Close-up photo of a woman’s face grimacing with pain

Osteoarthritis pain protocol

As we age, the risk of a degenerative disease such as osteoarthritis (OA) increases. As well as pain, there is also inflammation of the joints that sufferers must deal with. The osteoarthritis pain management protocol will help you make the right recommendation for your patients with OA.

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Close-up photo of a man’s face with his brow furrowed in pain

Musculoskeletal pain protocol

Affecting muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and tendons, musculoskeletal (MSK) pain can cause debilitating pain for sufferers. This can often be caused by acute injury rather than chronic conditions, but sometimes chronic conditions are the cause. The pain protocol will help you make the right recommendation for your patients’ musculoskeletal pain management and treatment.

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Close-up photo of a woman’s face, looking determined


Migraines are a painful condition that is often accompanied by pain on one side of the head, sensitivity to light and nausea. Migraine sufferers are often known as silent sufferers due to how debilitating migraines can be. The pain protocol will help you make the right recommendation for your patients’ migraine management.

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Close-up photo of a woman’s face with her eyes furrowed in pain

Period pain

A large percentage of women will undergo pain due to their womb tightening during their period. The amount of pain and discomfort it can cause varies, but it can cause immense pain in some women. The pain protocol will help you make the right recommendations regarding period pain treatment for your patients.

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Close-up photo of a man’s face with his brow furrowed in pain

Dental pain

Dental pain is often cause by dental damage or disease which can affect the gums and nerves. It can be severe enough to impact sleep and normal day-to-day activities. The pain protocol will help you make the right recommendation for your patients’ dental pain treatment.

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Close-up photo of a man’s face looking worried

Low back pain

Pain in the lumbar region of the back can vary between a dull ache to a shooting and stabbing sensation. These often occur due to a muscle or tendon injury as well as degeneration of the spine. It is one of the most common injuries in adults. Lower back pain treatment can take many forms, so the pain protocol will help you make the right recommendation for your patients with low back pain.

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Close-up photo of a woman’s face with a blank facial expression

Sore throat pain

Often arising because of a viral infection such as cold and flu, or smoking, a sore throat is very rarely caused by bacteria. Explore sore throat treatments for your patients with the pain protocol.

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Woman with short blonde hair smiling while holding a small baby

Children’s fever

Fever in children is quite common and is often caused by viral or bacterial infections. Fever (pyrexia) can also be caused by cold, coughs, flu, ear, chest and urine infections.

The pain protocol will help you make the right recommendation for children suffering with fever.

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Patient care resources

Access resources to assist patients with managing any acute or chronic pain issues they may face.

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A young female pharmacist talking to an older female patient by holding her hand

Pain modules

Pain modules are developed to enhance understanding, skills and update you on the newer approaches in pain management.

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Patient profiles – link to watch videos about real patients’ experiences and the person behind the pain

Patient stories

Listen to Patient Stories and get to know the patient profiles to understand the person behind the pain.

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