Nutritional Deficiencies- Causes for Poor Health and Wellbeing

Nutritional Deficiency and its impact on pregnant and lactating mothers
Pregnancy and lactation are periods of high calcium requirement.
If the mother's bone density before pregnancy is insufficient and her diet lacks calcium, her skeletal calcium may be depleted as the fetus requires more calcium.2
Pregnancy and nursing result in significant maternal-fetal calcium transfer, with the highest transfer occurring in the third trimester. At 20 weeks of gestation, the fetus absorbs about 50 mg of calcium daily, increasing to 330 mg by 35 weeks. Postpartum, nursing mothers transfer approximately 210 mg of calcium per day to their newborns.1
Fetal calcium needs are met through calcium extraction from the mother's bones, increased absorption in the intestines, or reduced excretion by the kidneys.3

Calcium and vitamin D is required for normal bone growth and mineralisation. According to the Institute of Medicine, United States, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of calcium for females is 1000-1300mg with increasing requirement in pregnancy and lactation. Decreased calcium intake leads to demineralisation and mobilisation of calcium from bones which decreases bone mass and results in osteoporosis. Older persons are particularly prone to decreased calcium intake and absorption.4
Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder characterized by reduction in the amount of bone per unit volume and micro architectural deterioration of bone tissue, increasing bone fragility and increasing fracture risk.5
Pakistan ranks 5th in the world based upon number of people suffering from osteoporosis. According to a survey in Pakistan 72% of people lead a sedentary lifestyle and vitamin D deficiency among Pakistani women has been reported to be as high as 83%. Moreover, the Pakistani diet has been found to be deficient in calcium. International Osteoporosis Foundation conducted a survey in Pakistani population in 2009 in which overall prevalence of osteoporosis was found to be 16% while that of osteopenia 34%.5

Nutritional Deficiency and its impact on quality of life
Vitamin C plays an important role in immune function4 and improves the absorption of nonheme iron5, the form of iron present in plant-based foods. Insufficient vitamin C intake causes scurvy, which is characterized by fatigue or lassitude, widespread connective tissue weakness, and capillary fragility6
The timeline for the development of scurvy varies, depending on vitamin C body stores, but signs can appear within 1 month of little or no vitamin C intake (below 10 mg/day). Initial symptoms can include fatigue (probably the result of impaired carnitine biosynthesis), malaise, and inflammation of the gums.6
Understanding Nutritional Deficiency

CAC - 1000 Plus Range

Centrum Adults Multivitamin
A daily Multivitamin supplement that helps bridge nutrient gaps.

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