Oral health conditions
Dentine hypersensitivity is a common and often underdiagnosed condition.1 Sufferers describe experiencing a short, sharp pain while eating, drinking, brushing their teeth or breathing cold air, which can have a significant impact on their quality of life.2
Enamel wear
Enamel wear can be a progressive, multifactorial condition that may have lasting effects.3 Enamel is equipped to respond to daily acid challenges; however, frequent and prolonged acid exposure can lead to progressive demineralisation.3 Changes in diet and increasing life expectancy mean that enamel wear is becoming an increasingly significant challenge in the long-term management of dental health.4
Denture care
12% of Australians rely on full or partial dentures.17Each patient’s denture journey is different. Denture performance is affected by individual medical, physical and psychological factors, such as oral anatomy, a dry mouth and how the patient adapts to their prosthesis.5–10