180 result(s)
Polident Adhesive
Polident denture adhesive helps patients manage dentures with a dual polymer system, proven to help retention. Read about its benefits, with Haleon HealthPartner.
Polident Cleanser
Polident denture cleanser offers a four-in-one system that can help your patients maintain denture hygiene. Visit Haleon HealthPartner today for more details.
Polident Science: Denture Adhesive
Polident Adhesives' dual polymer system helps to secure, stabilise & maintain denture performance. Discover the science behind Polident with Haleon HealthPartner.
Polident Science: Denture Cleansers
Polident cleanser has ingredients formulated to kill 99.9% of bacteria, to maintain denture hygiene. Learn more about Polident science, with Haleon HealthPartner.
Gum Health Impact on Patient QoL
Bleeding and unhealthy gums can affect patients emotionally and physically. Visit Haleon HealthPartner for more about the impact of gum problems on patients.