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Night Nurse: For pharmacists only

Night Nurse Cold Remedy Oral Solution & Capsules held in Boxing glove with night sky background

Specially formulated to provide a night-time cold & flu treatment

Night Nurse Cold Remedy Oral Solution & Capsules (Paracetamol, Promethazine Hydrochloride and Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide) – multi-symptom relief formulated for use at night and so aids restful sleep.

Patient speaking to pharmacist

Antibiotics are ineffective for cold & flu viruses1

71% of patients in the UK thought there should be better education around self-treatable conditions and self-care practice1.

“only at the pharmacy counter” written in green cross on a night sky background

Advise your customers that strong cold & flu relief is available without the need for a prescription

Help your customers find effective relief for their cold and flu with Night Nurse products.

Recommend Night Nurse to help your customers find effective relief for their cold and flu at night

Night Nurse Cold Remedy Oral Solution & Capsules in Boxing glove with night sky background

Night Nurse Cold Remedy Oral Solution and Capsules

Just one dose of Night Nurse at bedtime relieves cold & flu symptoms, so aiding restful sleep. Available in a choice of liquid or capsule formats.


  • headache
  • shivers, aches & pains
  • sore throat pain
  • tickly cough
  • runny nose

Night Nurse contains:

  • Paracetamol
  • Promethazine hydrochloride
  • Dextromethorphan hydrobromide

Night Nurse product range details

  • Product Information – Night Nurse Cold Remedy Oral Solution and Capsules

    Night Nurse Cold Remedy Oral Solution / Night Nurse Capsules (paracetamol, promethazine hydrochloride, dextromethorphan hydrobromide). Indications: Symptomatic relief of colds, chills and influenza, including cough at night. Dosage: Adults and children 16 years and over: 20 ml or 2 capsules before bed. Max 1 dose in 24 hours. Max duration of use without medical advice: 7 days. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients or excipients. Hepatic or renal impairment. Patients with or at risk of developing, respiratory failure. Patients who are taking or have taken monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) in the last two weeks. Use in children under 16 years of age. Precautions: Contains paracetamol. Do not use with any other paracetamol-containing products, antihistamines or cold and flu medicines. Paracetamol overdose may cause liver failure. Avoid alcohol. Medical advice should be sought if taking warfarin. Caution in patients with chronic or persistent cough, or where cough is accompanied by excessive secretions, narrow angle glaucoma, cardiovascular problems, prostatic hypertrophy, urinary retention, epilepsy, glutathione depleted states and glucose-galactose malabsorption, history of dextromethorphan abuse and dependence, poor metabolizers of CYP2D6. Concomitant use with serotonergic agents can result in serotonergic effects, including serotonin syndrome. Use with caution in the elderly. Caution, due to paracetamol, if administered with flucloxacillin due to increased risk of high anion gap metabolic acidosis. Medical advice should be sought if symptoms persist, or are accompanied by high fever, skin rash or persistent headache. May cause urine pregnancy tests to produce false results. Oral solution only: Patients suffering from alcoholism, diabetes mellitus or on a low sodium diet. Side effects: See SPC for full details. Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis and skin rashes, thrombocytopenia, bronchospasm, hepatic dysfunction, GI disturbance, nervous system disorders (including drowsiness), confusion, paradoxical excitation, dry mouth, eye disorders, blurred vision, urinary retention. Legal category: Supply through pharmacy only. Product licence number: Night Nurse Cold Remedy: PA 0678/014/001, Night Nurse Capsules: PA 0678/021/001. MAH: Haleon Ireland Limited, 12 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland. Full product information is available in the SPC. Additional information is available upon request. Text prepared: March 2023.

Help your patients relieve cold & flu symptoms, so aiding restful sleep with the Night Nurse product range

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