Help your customers to kick the habit for good with Nicotinell

Quitting smoking is an uphill battle: help tilt the odds in your patients’ favour with Nicotinell
Quitting is frustratingly hard and knowing which NRT products are the most suitable to recommend can be difficult.
Approximately 70-90% of smokers say that withdrawal symptoms and cravings are the reason why they do not quit smoking.1
NRT products are used to address physical cravings by providing a measured dose of nicotine, without the harmful ingredients found in tobacco. By providing nicotine in this way, the patient’s cravings can be reduced.

Help your patients win the fight against cravings with the Nicotinell range
NRT allows patients to decrease their therapeutic nicotine intake, as both the physical and behavioural dependency is reduced.2,3
How NRT works
Cravings can be hard to overcome with willpower alone and using NRT products, such as Nicotinell Mint 2mg compressed Lozenges (nicotine), delivers lower levels of therapeutic nicotine without the 7000 other chemicals found in cigarette smoke.
By reducing the physical symptoms from smoking cessation, NRT enables the customer to focus more on the emotional aspect of quitting.1 NRT helps manage withdrawal symptoms, which manifest within the first 1-2 days, peak within the first week and gradually dissipate over 3-4 weeks.4

How to recommend combination therapy
By combining Nicotinell Patch with Nicotinell 1mg Lozenge you can help your patients manage their cravings more effectively than using single NRT products on their own.5,6 When quitting, certain situations can lead to additional cravings e.g., after meals, when out for a drink or during times of stress.7
Nicotinell Patch offers up to 24 hour craving control. Nicotinell Lozenge offers rapid relief for sudden cravings.
By combining Nicotinell Patch with Nicotinell 1mg Lozenge you can boost your patient’s chance of quitting by up to 60% compared to using a single NRT format.5,6

Nicotinell TTS Patch
Up to 24-hour nicotine craving relief.
If your customer smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day: start with Step 1: 21mg patch every day for 3-4 weeks
If your customer smokes less than 20 cigarettes a day start with Step 2: 14mg patch every day for 3-4 weeks
After 3-4 weeks switch to the next step patch e.g. for those who started with step 1, switch to step 2, and those using step 2 switch to step 3 (7mg) patch
Step 3 – customers should finish with the 7mg patch every day for 3-4 weeks

Nicotinell Medicated Chewing Gum
Rapid relief from sudden cravings.
Light smokers (<20 cigarettes a day) – 2mg gum
Moderate smokers (20-30 cigarettes a day) – 2mg or 4mg gum depending on customer’s characteristic and preferences
Heavy smokers (>30 cigarettes a day) – 4mg gum (also suitable for those who have previously been unsuccessful quitting with NRT)

Header Nicotinell Compressed Lozenge
Provides rapid craving relief.
Light smokers (<20 cigarettes a day) – 1mg lozenge
Moderate smokers (20-30 cigarettes a day) – 1mg or 2mg lozenge depending on customer’s characteristic and preferences
Heavy smokers (>30 cigarettes a day) – 2mg lozenge (also suitable for those who have previously been unsuccessful quitting with NRT)