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Help your customers to kick the habit for good with Nicotinell

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Quitting smoking is an uphill battle: help tilt the odds in your patients’ favour with Nicotinell

Quitting is frustratingly hard and knowing which NRT products are the most suitable to recommend can be difficult.

Approximately 70-90% of smokers say that withdrawal symptoms and cravings are the reason why they do not quit smoking.1

NRT products are used to address physical cravings by providing a measured dose of nicotine, without the harmful ingredients found in tobacco. By providing nicotine in this way, the patient’s cravings can be reduced.

Image of the 5 withdrawal symptoms of quitting

Help your patients win the fight against cravings with the Nicotinell range

NRT allows patients to decrease their therapeutic nicotine intake, as both the physical and behavioural dependency is reduced.2,3

How NRT works

Cravings can be hard to overcome with willpower alone and using NRT products, such as Nicotinell Mint 2mg compressed Lozenges (nicotine), delivers lower levels of therapeutic nicotine without the 7000 other chemicals found in cigarette smoke.

By reducing the physical symptoms from smoking cessation, NRT enables the customer to focus more on the emotional aspect of quitting.1 NRT helps manage withdrawal symptoms, which manifest within the first 1-2 days, peak within the first week and gradually dissipate over 3-4 weeks.4

Patch and 1mg lozenge packshot

How to recommend combination therapy

By combining Nicotinell Patch with Nicotinell 1mg Lozenge you can help your patients manage their cravings more effectively than using single NRT products on their own.5,6 When quitting, certain situations can lead to additional cravings e.g., after meals, when out for a drink or during times of stress.7

Nicotinell Patch offers up to 24 hour craving control. Nicotinell Lozenge offers rapid relief for sudden cravings.

By combining Nicotinell Patch with Nicotinell 1mg Lozenge you can boost your patient’s chance of quitting by up to 60% compared to using a single NRT format.5,6

  • Craving control on waking

    Patient picking up patch from shelf

    Nicotinell Patch

    Is your customer in the habit of smoking on waking? Do they have concerns about strong morning cravings overcoming their willpower?

    Nicotinell patches deliver a constant amount of nicotine for 24 hours when customers stop smoking.

    By using the patches for 24 hours, customers will have nicotine in their blood when they wake up, so they’ll be ready to face the morning cravings more easily.

    Nicotinell patches are available in three strengths: 7 mg, 14 mg and 21 mg. To understand which Patch strength is appropriate for your patient based on their cigarette smoking habit see the information below.

  • A targeted nicotine boost when cravings hit

    Patient picking up patch and lozenge from shelf

    Nicotinell Gum and Lozenges

    Do your customers find certain situations trigger cravings?

    Nicotinell Medicated Chewing Gum offers rapid relief from sudden cravings and is available in 2mg and 4mg strength and fruit or mint flavours.

    Nicotinell Lozenges offer rapid craving relief. They can be used discreetly for situations such as work where chewing gum may not be appropriate. Nicotinell Lozenges are available in 1mg and 2mg strength and have a mint flavour. To understand which strength of Nicotinell Gum or Lozenge is appropriate for your patient based on their cigarette smoking habit see the information below.

The Nicotinell Product Range – usage and dose

Nicotinell Patch pack-shot

Nicotinell TTS Patch

Up to 24-hour nicotine craving relief.

If your customer smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day: start with Step 1: 21mg patch every day for 3-4 weeks

If your customer smokes less than 20 cigarettes a day start with Step 2: 14mg patch every day for 3-4 weeks

After 3-4 weeks switch to the next step patch e.g. for those who started with step 1, switch to step 2, and those using step 2 switch to step 3 (7mg) patch

Step 3 – customers should finish with the 7mg patch every day for 3-4 weeks

Nicotinell Gum pack-shot

Nicotinell Medicated Chewing Gum

Rapid relief from sudden cravings.

Light smokers (<20 cigarettes a day) – 2mg gum

Moderate smokers (20-30 cigarettes a day) – 2mg or 4mg gum depending on customer’s characteristic and preferences

Heavy smokers (>30 cigarettes a day) – 4mg gum (also suitable for those who have previously been unsuccessful quitting with NRT)

Nicotinell Lozenge pack-shot

Header Nicotinell Compressed Lozenge

Provides rapid craving relief.

Light smokers (<20 cigarettes a day) – 1mg lozenge

Moderate smokers (20-30 cigarettes a day) – 1mg or 2mg lozenge depending on customer’s characteristic and preferences

Heavy smokers (>30 cigarettes a day) – 2mg lozenge (also suitable for those who have previously been unsuccessful quitting with NRT)

Nicotinell product range details

  • Product Information – Nicotinell Gum

    Product Information: Please consult the Summary of Product Characteristics for full product information. Nicotinell Cool Mint 2mg/4mg medicated chewing gum and Nicotinell Fruit 2mg/4mg medicated chewing gum (nicotine). Indications: For relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms as an aid to smoking cessation Dosage and administration: Stop smoking completely during treatment Adults: Chew one piece of gum when the urge to smoke is felt. Normally 8 to 12 pieces per day, up to a maximum of 24 pieces of 2 mg gum per day or 15 pieces of 4 mg gum per day After 3 months, gradually cut down the gum usage The higher strength gum is for those with a strong nicotine dependency Under 18 years: Only on medical advice. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any ingredient, non-smokers. Precautions: Patients with recent myocardial infarction, unstable or worsening angina incl. Prinzmetal’s angina, severe cardiac arrythmias, uncontrolled hypertension, recent cerebrovascular accident who are haemodynamically unstable should be encouraged to stop with non-pharmacological interventions. Use in caution in patients with, hypertension, stable angina pectoris, cerebrovascular disease, occlusive peripheral arterial disease, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, phaeochromocytoma, moderate to severe renal or hepatic impairment, epilepsy or those taking anticonvulsant therapy. Swallowing nicotine may exacerbate active oesophagitis, oral or pharyngeal inflammation, gastritis or peptic ulcer. Consider other forms of NRT if people with jaw bone problems or denture wearers have difficulty chewing as it may stick to the dentures. May loosen fillings or dental implants. Contains sortbitol - Patients with fructose intolerance should not take this medicine. Contains butylhydroxytoluene which may cause local irritation to mucous membranes. Side effects: Please refer to the SPC for full details. Very common: Nausea. Common: Insomnia, headache, dizziness, hiccups, gastric symptoms e.g. flatulence, vomiting, dyspepsia, stomatitis, oral discomfort, abdominal pain upper, diarrhoea, dry mouth, constipation, pharyngitis, cough, pharyngolaryngeal pain. Legal category: Supply through general sale. PA Nos: PA 678/125/1-2; PA 678/124/1-2. PA Holder: Haleon Ireland Limited, 12 Riverwalk, CityWest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland. Further information is available on request. Date of preparation: April 2023

    Contains nicotine. Stop smoking aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label/leaflet.

  • Product Information – Nicotinell Lozenges

    Product Information: Please consult the Summary of Product Characteristics for full product information. Nicotinell Mint 1 mg and 2 mg compressed lozenges (nicotine). Indications: For relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms as an aid to smoking cessation or temporary smoking reduction in those wanting to quit. Dosage and administration: Adults: Smoking cessation: Stop smoking completely. Suck one lozenge slowly Normally, 8-12 lozenges per day. Max daily dose: 24x1 mg lozenges or 15x2 mg lozenge. Do not use more than 1 lozenge per hour After 3 months, gradually cut down the usage of lozenges. 2 mg lozenge is for those with a strong nicotine dependency Smoking reduction: use to prolong smoke-free intervals to reduce smoking. Start quit attempt once ready but no later than 4 months after treatment starts. Gradually reduce lozenge number. If a cigarette reduction of ≥50 % per day is not achieved after 6 weeks, or quit attempt not made within 6 months of starting treatment seek medical advice. Not generally recommended for regular use beyond 6 months. Combination treatment: For when treatment fails with lozenge alone, 1 mg lozenge and patch used together for those smoking >20 cigarettes a day, recommended to seek HCP advice. 2 mg lozenge not licensed for combination therapy. Start with one patch 21 mg/24 hours plus 1 mg lozenge (generally 5-6 pieces per day). Max 15 lozenges a day. Treat for 6-12 weeks, then gradually reduce nicotine dose by either 1) reducing patch strength sequentially at 3-6 weeks intervals, then gradually reducing number of lozenges. OR 2) discontinuing use of patches and gradually reducing number of lozenges. Alternate patch application site to avoid skin irritation. Max treatment duration is 9 months. Paediatric population: Not to be used by children under 12 years. Not to be used by adolescents 12-17 years of age without prescription from a healthcare professional. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ingredients, non-smokers Warnings and Precautions: Lozenge may be considered under close medical supervision, where non-pharmacological methods fail in dependent smokers with a recent myocardial infarction, unstable or worsening angina including Prinzmetal’s angina, severe cardiac arrhythmias, uncontrolled hypertension or recent cerebrovascular accident. Use with caution in patients with hypertension, stable angina pectoris, cerebrovascular disease, occlusive peripheral arterial disease, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism or pheochromocytoma, moderate to severe hepatic/renal impairment, history of epilepsy or those taking anti-convulsant therapy. Swallowed nicotine may exacerbate symptoms in subjects suffering from active oesophagitis, oral and pharyngeal inflammation, gastritis or peptic ulcer. Contains 10mg aspartame which may be harmful to those with phenylketonuria. Contains maltitol, do not use in patients with rare hereditary conditions of fructose intolerance. Side effects: Very Common: Nausea. Common: insomnia, dizziness, headache, flatulence, hiccups, gastric symptoms e.g. flatulence, vomiting, oral discomfort, dry mouth, stomatitis, abdominal pain, upper diarrhoea, constipation, pharyngitis, cough and pharyngolaryngeal pain. Uncommon: palpitations. Rare: atrial arrhythmia, hypersensitivity, angioneurotic oedema and anaphylactic reactions. Legal category: Supply through general sale PA Nos: PA 678/123/4-5 PA Holder: Haleon Ireland Limited, 12 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland. Date of preparation: April 2023. Further information is available on request

    Contains nicotine. Stop smoking aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label/leaflet.

  • Product Information – Nicotinell Patch

    Product Information: Please consult the Summary of Product Characteristics for full product information. Nicotinell TTS 10, 7 mg/24 hour Transdermal Patch, Nicotinell TTS 20, 14 mg/24 hour Transdermal Patch, Nicotinell TTS 30, 21 mg/24 hour Transdermal Patch (Nicotine). Indications: Treatment of nicotine dependence, as an aid to smoking cessation. Dosage and administration: Stop smoking completely when starting treatment. For those smoking 20 or more cigarettes a day Nicotinell TTS30 (Step 1) once daily. Those smoking less should start with Nicotinell TTS20 (Step 2) once daily. Different strength patches permit a stepwise reduction in nicotine dose over treatment periods of 3-4 weeks with each strength patch. Maximum recommended treatment period three months (but if abstinence not achieved after three-month period, further treatment may be recommended following a re-evaluation of the patient’s motivation by a clinician). Children and young adults: To be used in people under 18 years only on medical advice. Not recommended in children under 12 years. Contra-indications: Known hypersensitivity to nicotine or any of the excipients. Precautions: Use with caution in patients with: cardiovascular disease, history of seizure or those taking anti-convulsant therapy, diabetes mellitus, severe renal and/or hepatic impairment, active oesophagitis, oral and pharyngeal inflammation, gastritis, gastric/peptic ulcer. Discontinue use if a severe or persistent skin reaction occurs. Nicotinell TTS contains aluminium and should be removed prior to undergoing defibrillation, MRI or cardioversion procedures. Always keep out of the reach and sight of children due to potential poisoning risk. Side effects: See SPC for full details. Certain symptoms such as depression, irritability, nervousness, restlessness, mood lability, anxiety, drowsiness, impaired concentration, and insomnia may be related to withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation. Quitting smoking by any means can lead to asthenia, headache, dizziness, coughing or influenza-like illness. Very common: insomnia, abnormal dreams, nausea, vomiting, application site reactions. Common: agitation, anxiety, nervousness, tremor, palpitations, cough, pharyngitis, dyspnoea, abdominal pain, upper dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dry mouth, constipation, increased sweating, myalgia, application site pain, asthenia, fatigue. Uncommon: hypersensitivity, disturbance in attention, somnolence, affect lability, irritability, depressed mood and confusional state, paraesthesia, dysgeusia, blurred vision, tachycardia, flatulence, hyperhidrosis, arthralgia, malaise, influenza type illness, asthenic conditions, pain and discomfort. Rare: dyspnoea, arrhythmia. Very Rare: anaphylactic reactions, allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, photosensitivity. Frequency not known: allergic reactions such as urticaria, rash and pruritus; angioedema and anaphylactoid reaction. PA Number: PA 678/123/001 – 002 – 003. Supply classification: Supply through general sale. PA holder: Haleon Ireland Limited, 12 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland. Further information is available on request. Date of preparation: April 2023.

    Contains nicotine. Stop smoking aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label/leaflet.

Help your patients quit smoking for good with Nicotinell

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