Sensodyne Repair & Protect

Helps repair* the sensitive areas of teeth1–3
Sensodyne Repair & Protect contains NovaMin technology and sodium fluoride and is proven to help repair* exposed dentine.1–3
- Forms a reparative layer over exposed dentine*
- This layer is harder than the underlying dentine4–7
- Clinically proven to relieve dentine hypersensitivity8–10
- Clinically proven for long-lasting protection* against dentine hypersensitivity†8–10
*Forms a protective layer over the sensitive areas of teeth. Brush twice a day for lasting sensitivity protection †With twice-daily brushing

Sensodyne Repair & Protect is formulated with NovaMin
NovaMin forms a robust hydroxyapatite-like layer over exposed dentine and within exposed dentine tubules*7,11
SEM, scanning electron microscopyIn vitro cross-sectional SEM image of an hydroxyapatite-like layer formed by supersaturated NovaMin solution in artificial saliva after 5 days (no brushing); adapted from Earl et al. 20111 *It forms a protective layer over the sensitive areas of teeth. Brush twice daily for lasting sensitivity protection

Sensodyne Repair & Protect (5% NovaMin and sodium fluoride 1450ppm)
For patients with dentine hypersensitivity who need sensitivity relief and would benefit from repair of exposed dentine.*7,11
Also available in Extra Fresh and Whitening variants.
*It forms a protective layer over the sensitive area of the teeth. Brush twice a day for lasting sensitivity protection
Sensodyne – the toothpaste brand for sensitive teeth

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