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Pronamel Overview: Protecting from Enamel Wear

Pronamel range

Designed to help protect against erosive tooth wear caused by dietary acids1–7

Pronamel is formulated to promote remineralisation of acid-weakened enamel, and inhibit demineralisation, to help protect enamel against future erosive tooth wear.1–7

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Act early to help protect your patients’ enamel against wear

Early signs of enamel wear

Signs of enamel wear

Up to 1 in 3 young adults in Europe show signs of enamel wear,1 which is strongly linked to frequent and protracted dietary acid challenges6,7

You can find out more on enamel wear in our Enamel Wear and Sensodyne Pronamel leaflet

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Scientific expertise

Enamel wear: science behind Pronamel

Pronamel has a unique optimised formulation that delivers superior fluoride uptake*8,9

*vs. a non-optimised fluoride toothpaste

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Patient benefits

Benefits of Pronamel for protecting from enamel wear

Pronamel provides dual protection by enhancing remineralisation and inhibiting demineralisation for stronger, more resilient enamel2,10

To read more about the benefits of Pronamel Toothpaste you can download the ‘Sensodyne Pronamel leaflet’

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Exposure to acids, toothbrushing, toothpaste

Four simple steps to enamel wear protection

You can help your patients strengthen and reharden their enamel with a simple regime that includes Pronamel.10,11,13–17

  • 1. Minimise exposure

    Exposure to dietary acids

    Diet and enamel wear

    Minimise exposure to dietary acids

    • Minimise dietary acid challenges per day (less than 4)13,14
    • Avoid holding acidic drinks in the mouth15–17

    Rinse mouth with water after consuming acidic foods and drinks14

  • 2. Brush teeth

    Appropriate tooth brushing

    Tooth brushing and enamel wear

    Brush teeth with appropriate technique and timing

    • Avoid brushing immediately after consuming acidic food and drink15
    • Brush gently but thoroughly with a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • 3. Include interdental cleaning

    Interdental cleaning

    Include interdental cleaning

    Recommend interdental cleaning as part of oral health regime14

  • 4. Use specialist toothpaste

    Specialist fluoride toothpaste

    Toothpaste to combat enamel wear

    Use a specialist fluoride toothpaste twice daily

    • Use a daily toothpaste with an optimised formulation for superior fluoride uptake*10,11

    *vs. a non-optimised fluoride toothpaste

    Pronamel product page

Unique formulation to help strengthen enamel and protect from wear

Pronamel MoA video screenshot

Sensodyne Pronamel toothpastes are specially formulated to help strengthen, protect or repair enamel2,6,7,10

Pronamel: Repair formulation

This formulation of Pronamel drives minerals deep into the acid-weakened enamel surface to help protect teeth against dietary acids weakened enamel.6,7

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Discover Sensodyne Pronamel

Sensodyne Pronamel Toothpaste Range shot

Sensodyne Pronamel Toothpaste

For daily strengthening, protection of enamel.*1–5

Sensodyne Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair pack shot

Sensodyne Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair

A unique, specialist toothpaste for patients with early signs of erosive tooth wear caused by dietary acids7

Sensodyne Pronamel Mouthwash shot

Sensodyne Pronamel Mouthwash

Daily mouthwash for extra protection from enamel wear.†16

*With twice-daily brushingWhen used in combination with a fluoride toothpaste compared to brushing alone

Sensodyne Pronamel – helping protect your patients against enamel wear

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