A pharmacist smiling.

Personal enablers of mental resilience in pharmacy

Work among healthcare professionals before COVID-19 identified resilient characteristics:24:

  • Optimism, such as taking a positive approach and looking for solutions
  • Adaptability, such as responding to changing or difficult situations and being able to progress through this
  • Initiative, which would allow resilient individuals to anticipate situations in advance and know how they would respond
  • Organisational skills, such as time management and workload prioritisation
  • Humour and the ability to laugh together to get through challenges

Taking time out

Research among Serbian community pharmacists has highlighted the importance of a programme of relaxation training in managing stress and anxiety.27 An 8-week course using relaxation exercises to induce muscular relaxation, feelings of warmth and slower breathing significantly reduced anxiety levels.27

Although little work has been done on personal and mental resilience in pharmacists during COVID-19, there may be some learnings from research among the general population, which found the following were linked to greater mental resilience during lockdown:28

  • Spending at least 10 minutes outdoors more days per week
  • Undertaking more daily exercise
  • Getting more sleep
  • Having greater perceived support from family and friends.

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A pharmacist wears a face mask and face shield as PPE to help protect herself against COVID-19.

Staying strong – Building resilience in pharmacy

Pharmacy teams have been on the frontline during the coronavirus pandemic. This has had a big impact on their mental health and wellbeing and GSK wants to help. We are sharing the lessons learned from coping with COVID-19 and exploring how they could help pharmacists build mental resilience for the future.

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A pharmacist wears a face mask to help protect herself against COVID-19.

How COVID-19 has impacted pharmacy

Pharmacists and their teams were on the frontline during the pandemic. Discover more about how rising to the COVID-19 challenge impacted every aspect of life for pharmacy teams.

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A pharmacist works happily at a computer.

A crucial time of change in pharmacy

The pandemic highlighted the vital role pharmacies play in their communities, find out more about what this means for the future.

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Two pharmacists wear PPE to help protect themselves against COVID-19.

Organisational enablers of mental resilience in pharmacy

Discover how making smart organisational changes to the way you work can help to improve resilience for your pharmacy team.

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A pharmacist wears a face mask and gloves to help protect herself against COVID-19.

GSK support in mental resilience

Discover more about how GSK Consumer Healthcare is working with expert partners to support the mental health and wellbeing of pharmacy teams.

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Infographic explaining how to build mental resilience.

Tips to help build mental resilience

Download expert tips to help support mental health and wellbeing for you and your team – now and in the future.

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building resilience

COVID-19 Effect, Building Resilience & Future of Pharmacy

This on-demand webinar offers a unique opportunity to explore how dealing with COVID-19 has affected pharmacy teams. The Global Resilience Team's expert panel share advice on how to enhance resilience for the future. Register to view now.

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