Let’s work together to go above and beyond at EuroPerio 10
We want to partner with you to champion prevention & management of gingivitis at EuroPerio10
Join GSK at EuroPerio 10 as we plan to launch a series of activities designed to support you and your patients. With your help, we can shape how we champion prevention and management of gingivitis together. We have the opportunity to work in partnership to step change global periodontal health.
Together, we have a key mission – to improve patient awareness, encourage effective daily oral hygiene and drive motivated patients to act. We need to help patients to recognise that the foundation of a healthy smile is healthy gums, and that the key to healthy gums lies in their hands.
GSK Consumer Healthcare recently hosted a round table event featuring five internationally renowned periodontal specialists, their consensus was that for effective prevention of periodontitis, greater focus needs to be placed on prevention and management of gingivitis.
Join us at EuroPerio10 to help shape the campaign to champion prevention and management of gingivitis that includes our behaviour change programme.
Visit the GSK Consumer Healthcare stand to explore the key pillars of the campaign and provide your feedback:
- Championing prevention and management of gingivitis
- Transforming patient self-care
- Visualising the clinical efficacy of sodium bicarbonate
- How we can support you into the future
The GSK Consumer Healthcare Stand at EuroPerio10 features 4 key zones
parodontax: Above and Beyond for Gums
The science of sodium bicarbonate
Interact with the science of sodium bicarbonate, in parodontax toothpaste, which demonstrates how it enhances patients’ daily brushing, by softening and removing plaque, improving gingival health outcomes.
Find out more and register for EuroPerio10
GSK Consumer Healthcare are proud to be gold sponsors of EuroPerio10 which takes place from 15th-18th June in Copenhagen. Visit the EuroPerio website to find out more about the scientific programme and to register.