Piriteze Children’s Hayfever & Allergy 1mg/ml Syrup & Piriteze Allergy Tablets (cetirizine hydrochloride)

Image of boy playing with dog

Don’t let the irritation of allergies put your patients’ lives on hold

Oscar, is 6 years old and loves playing with his friend’s pet dog but the dog's hair can trigger allergy symptoms including itchy eyes, runny nose and skin rash.

To help relieve symptoms, and allow Oscar to focus on having fun, his mum gives him Piriteze syrup which is sugar free and has a banana flavour.

Piriteze Children’s Hayfever & Allergy 1mg/ml Syrup can be recommended from 2 years* and over and Piriteze Allergy Tablets from 6 years of age.

Learn more about relieving family allergies with the Piri product range in our webinar. Click here to register and access.

*Piriteze Children’s Hayfever & Allergy 1mg/ml Syrup (P and GSL) can be recommended to children from 2 years +, Piriteze Hayfever & Allergy 10mg Film Coated Tablets (GSL) from 6 years +

Symptoms relieved by Piriteze Allergy

Piriteze helps relieve a range of allergy symptoms

Piriteze relieves symptoms including:

  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Some itchy skin rashes

So, patients can get back to life without the irritation of allergies.

Piriteze Children’s Hayfever & Allergy 1mg/ml Syrup (P and GSL) can be recommended to children from 2 years +, Piriteze Hayfever & Allergy 10mg Film Coated Tablets (GSL) from 6 years +

Image of family playing in the garden

Piriteze – effective relief from allergies including pet allergies

Allergies to cats and dogs affect 10-20% of the population worldwide1 and are caused by a protein in pet’s saliva, urine or dander (shed skin particles) which spread when they groom themselves.2 Patients who have allergic asthma or hay fever are more likely to have a pet allergy.2

Piriteze Allergy Relief Syrup can be recommended from 2 years* and Piriteze Allergy Tablets from 6 years. Both formats provide effective relief from the symptoms of a range of allergies:

  • Hay fever
  • Other allergies such as pet allergies, house dust mite allergies and mould spore allergies
  • Relieves the rashes and itching of chronic urticaria (hives)

* Piriteze Children’s Hayfever & Allergy 1mg/ml Syrup (P and GSL) can be recommended to children from 2 years +, Piriteze Hayfever & Allergy 10mg Film Coated Tablets (GSL) from 6 years +

Recommend Piriteze for max strength* allergy relief

PI can be found at the bottom of the page

Recommend Piriteze for effective allergy relief in a choice of formats

Image of Piriteze Allergy Relief Syrup

Piriteze Allergy Relief Syrup (cetirizine hydrochloride)

Suitable from 2 years of age, Piriteze Allergy Relief Syrup provides effective relief of allergy symptoms and is available in a sugar-free banana flavour formulation.

Image of Piriteze Allergy Tablets

Piriteze Allergy Tablets (cetirizine hydrochloride)

Piriteze Allergy Tablets offer max strength* allergy relief with once daily dosing. It is suitable from 6 years of age.

*adult dose only

Piriteze Allergy Relief Syrup & Piriteze Allergy Tablets Product Information

  • Product Information

    Piriteze Hayfever & Allergy 10mg Film Coated Tablets, Piriteze Children's Hayfever & Allergy 1mg/ml Syrup (GSL)and Piriteze Children's Hayfever & Allergy 1mg/ml Syrup (P) (cetirizine hydrochloride).

    Indication: Symptomatic treatment of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis, and chronic idiopathic urticaria.

    Dosage and method of use: Adults and adolescents over 12 years: 10 mg daily. Children 6-12 years: 5 mg twice daily. Elderly: As adults if renal function normal. Allergy Tablets and Syrup: Children under 6 years: Not recommended. P-line Syrup only: Children 2 to 6 years: 2.5mg twice daily. Children under 2 years: Not recommended. Adjust dose in moderate to severe renal impairment. See SPC for details.

    Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ingredients, hydroxyzine, piperazine derivatives or severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <10 ml/min).

    Warnings and Precautions: Concomitant alcohol. Predisposition factors of urinary retention (e.g. spinal cord lesion, prostatic hyperplasia). Epilepsy/risk of convulsions. Pruritus and/or urticaria may occur when cetirizine stopped, may require treatment to be restarted.Tablets: Not suitable for those with galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption. Syrup: Not to be taken by those with fructose intolerance. Contains methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate which may cause allergic reactions.

    Side effects: See SPC for full details. Dizziness, headache, fatigue, somnolence, dry mouth, sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, rhinitis, allergic disorders including anaphylaxis and hypersensitivity, suicidal ideation, depression, nightmares, inflammation of the liver, skin eruptions, joint pain.

    Legal category: GSL: Syrup (6years+) and Tablets: 70ml/ 7, 14, 30 P: Syrup (2years+): 70ml.

    PL numbers: Tablets: PL 44673/0097. Syrup (GSL): PL 44673/0095. Syrup (P): PL 44673/0096.

    Product licence holder: Haleon UK Trading Limited, The Heights, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0NY, United Kingdom

    Package quantity and RSP (excl. VAT): Tablets: 7s £3.73, 14s £6.66, 30s £9.16. Syrup (GSL): 70 ml £5.41. Syrup (P): 70ml £5.41

    Date of last revision: Aug 2023.

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