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Sensodyne Clinical Repair Toothpaste

Sensodyne banner featuring a tube of Sensodyne Clinical Repair Toothpaste and the text “The pinnacle of our sensitivity range. It's here. Our next-generation Sensodyne formulation”

Our next generation Sensodyne

Sensodyne Clinical Repair Toothpastes are a fluoridated everyday treatment for sensitivity providing resilient repair, effective relief and ongoing protection*

  • Starts to repair sensitive teeth in 2 minutes
  • Clinically proven to provide long-lasting sensitivity relief*

With 5% NovaMin

  • Effective management of sensitivity
  • Innovative and comprehensive occlusion technology
  • Tested in >10 Haleon clinical studies for dentine hypersensitivity

*with continued usefor clinically proven relief in 14 days

Image of a young male patient drinking iced water and reacting to painful sensitive teeth

Dentine hypersensitivity can adversely affect patients’ quality of life1-3

Dentine hypersensitivity, or sensitive teeth, can have a big impact on patients’ oral health-related quality of life – affecting many aspects of day-to-day living.1-3

Sensodyne Clinical Repair toothpaste range is clinically proven for long-lasting protection from dentine hypersensitivity*. It targets sensitive areas of the teeth, tackling the root cause of sensitivity.

Sensodyne Clinical Repair toothpastes with NovaMin: Innovative and comprehensive occlusion technology.

*with continued use

Image of Darren Whitworth, Technical Lead in Haleon. He wears glasses and a blue shirt, and sits next to a large pot plant

Taking our sensitivity science further than before

Sensodyne has used its oral care expertise to adapt NovaMin technology for use in everyday oral care treatments. View the video as Darren Whitworth explains the nature of the comprehensive occlusion technology and how Sensodyne scientists continue to improve our NovaMin formulations, to develop Sensodyne Clinical Repair toothpastes.

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Image of clinical studies in the Journal of Clinical Dentistry for NovaMin technology in Sensodyne

Sensodyne: committed to the scientific pursuit of helping sensitive teeth

NovaMin was tested in 24 clinical studies, including over 10 Haleon sponsored clinical studies testing NovaMin in toothpaste, and 12 non-Haleon published dentine hypersensitivity studies on NovaMin. Learn more about the science of NovaMin.

Discover the science

Innovative NovaMin technology for sensitive teeth

  • 2 images of dentine surface showing dentine tubules. Next to the images there is a text "Starts to repair sensitive teeth in 2 minutes*"

    Starts repairing sensitive teeth from the first brush*4

    The top left Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) image shows a prepared dentine slab with open tubules – the block has been polished and acid etched to remove the smear layer.

    The right-hand image shows dentine after one application of NovaMin for two minutes and subjected to an acid challenge. The majority of tubules are completely closed, and the remainder are at least partially closed.

    *for clinically proven relief in 14 days. Image from Greenspan DC. J Clin Dent 2010; 21:61-65

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  • Graph to show reduction in Schiff sensitivity score in 2 weeks of sensitive teeth treatment with Sensodyne Clinical Repair Toothpaste

    Clinically significant sensitivity improvements in 14 days with continued use5

    The graph is taken from an exploratory, randomised, examiner blind, parallel group, 11-week controlled study in healthy adults with self-reported and clinically diagnosed dentine hypersensitivity (DH) with 135 subjects randomised to treatment.

    The 3 treatment groups used either

    a) toothpaste with 5% NovaMin + fluoride

    b) toothpaste with 8% arginine, calcium carbonate + fluoride

    c) a regular fluoride toothpaste.

    Treatments were over-wrapped to maintain study blinding.

    Two independent stimulus-based efficacy measures were used to assess DH: tactile (using a Yeaple probe) and evaporative (air) sensitivity (Schiff sensitivity score).

    The 5% NovaMin toothpaste was shown to be effective in relieving DH and improvements continued throughout the 11-week study.

    Graph adapted from Hall C et al. J Dent 2017; 60: 36-43

  • Graph to show reduction in Schiff sensitivity score after 24 weeks of sensitive teeth treatment with a NovaMin toothpaste

    Effective protection against the pain of sensitive teeth with twice daily brushing

    This data is from a 24 week, non-comparative clinical study in healthy adults (n=75) with clinically confirmed dentine hypersensitivity (DH). Subjects brushed for 24 weeks with a non-aqueous toothpaste with 5% NovaMin and 1426ppm fluoride.

    DH was assessed at intervals over the 24-week period in response to evaporative (air) stimulus (Schiff sensitivity score) and a tactile stimulus.

    All sensitivity measures demonstrated clinically significant ongoing reductions compared with baseline over the 24-week period.

    This long-term data demonstrates ongoing protection over 6 months with twice daily brushing, associated with improved oral health-related quality of life.1,6

    *with twice daily brushing

    Graph adapted from Haleon Data on File Study RH01897 Synopsis Report 2014.

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  • Graph to show improvement in oral health-related quality of life following treatment for dentine hypersensitivity

    Long-term data demonstrated improved oral health-related quality of life with twice daily brushing6

    This is from the same 24 week study described above. The dentine hypersensitivity (DH) experience questionnaire (DHEQ) was used to assess changes in subject-perceived DH before and during treatment in addition to traditional DH pain scores. These measures are indicative of oral health related quality of life (OHrQoL).

    DHEQ measures demonstrated ongoing improvements in OHRQoL across the extended study period.

    Graph adapted from Haleon Data on File Study RH01897 Synopsis Report 2014.

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  • Image of dentine tubules after treatment with toothpaste

    Our NovaMin technology was significantly better than other occluding technologies tested in vitro7

    This in vitro study used human and bovine dentine discs which were etched with 1% citric acid to remove the smear layer and then brushed with the tested toothpaste slurry for 2 minutes and stored in artificial saliva for 12 hours.

    SEM images were taken of the treated dentine samples. For details of the study and occlusion results click here.

    Image adapted from Haleon Data on File, Report QD-RPT-112345, 2023 accepted for presentation at IADR New Orleans 2024.

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  • A graph to demonstrate the hardness of the occlusive layers formed by Sensodyne Clinical Repair Toothpaste compared to dentine.

    In vitro studies have shown the hydroxyapatite-like layer formed with NovaMin is harder than dentine.11

    The graph is from an in vitro study showing the layer hardness on human dentine blocks following 4 days of twice-daily brushing for 30 seconds. Following each brush, samples were immersed in a 1:3 paste: artificial saliva slurry for 30 seconds. Layer hardness was measured by nano-indentation using a unique liquid cell set up to characterise the layers on a nanoscale level to avoid the substrate effect and to keep the dental tissue hydrated to provide a better mimic of in vivo conditions. A positive change from baseline is indicative of the surface becoming harder through the experiment.11

    After 4 days of treatment Sensodyne Clinical Repair toothpaste with NovaMin produced a significantly harder layer (p <0.05) compared to other occluding technologies. This layer was also 76% harder than the dentine control, which was statistically significant (p <0.05).11

    For more information on the study findings click here.

    Sensodyne Clinical Repair with NovaMin forms an occlusive layer, which is harder than natural dentine, over vulnerable areas of sensitive teeth for strong repair with twice daily brushing.

    Image adapted from Haleon Data on File, Report QD-RPT-118201, 2024; accepted for presentation at IADR New Orleans 2024.

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  • Images of dentine treated with Sensodyne Clinical Repair Toothpaste before and after acid challenge to show resistance

    Provide resilient repair, effective relief and ongoing protection to sensitive teeth with continued use

    In a recent in vitro study, human dentine block samples were brushed twice daily for 4 days, for 30 seconds each time, then immersed in a 1:3 Paste: artificial saliva slurry for an additional 30 seconds. SEM images were taken to confirm layer formation.11

    After the hardness of the layers was measured (by nanoindentation as described previously) the dentine discs from all treatment groups were exposed to 1% citric acid (pH 3.8) for 2 minutes. The layer hardness was measured again, and samples were reimaged with SEM to evaluate the resistance of the occlusive layers that had formed by each toothpaste to an acid challenge.

    We see in the SEM images dentine treated with artificial saliva and that treated with Sensodyne Clinical Repair. After 4 days of brushing with Sensodyne Clinical Repair, the tubules were occluded by the formation of a protective layer. After acid challenge the SEM shows that the layer formed by the NovaMin is still present.

    Sensodyne Clinical Repair with NovaMin generates a protective mineral layer over exposed dentine to help protect from the pain of sensitive teeth. This reparative mineral layer is resistant to everyday oral challenges.*

    *forms a protective layer over the sensitive areas of the teeth. Brush twice a day for lasting sensitivity protection. Adapted from Haleon Data on File, Report QD-RPT-118201, 2024; accepted for presentation at IADR New Orleans 2024.

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Recommend Sensodyne Clinical Repair toothpastes to help patients target sensitive areas of the teeth, tackling the root cause of sensitivity

Sensodyne Clinical Repair Deep Clean Toothpaste Pack shot

Sensodyne Clinical Repair Deep Clean Toothpaste

32% more effective cleaning action*, still gentle on sensitive teeth and enamel. This great tasting toothpaste, comes in a refreshing blend of peppermint and eucalyptus and has a rich foam.

*vs Sensodyne Repair & Protect Mint

Sensodyne Clinical Repair Active White Toothpaste Pack shot

Sensodyne Clinical Repair Active White Toothpaste

35% better whitening action*. This gentle whitening toothpaste, with a cool blend of peppermint and spearmint, has a rich foam.

*vs Sensodyne Repair & Protect Mint

Sensodyne Clinical Repair Toothpaste product details

  • With Perlite for superior cleaning action* whilst being gentle on sensitive areas and enamel

    Perlite is a naturally occurring volcanic mineral used as a whitening agent in toothpaste. Its inclusion in our Clinical Repair formulation gives it superior cleaning action vs Sensodyne Repair & Protect Mint.

    The grade used has been specifically engineered to optimise its particle size and shape, making it an ideal gentle abrasive for toothpaste while minimizing tooth wear.

    *vs Sensodyne Repair & Protect Mint

#1 dentist recommended brand for sensitive teeth*^

^Dentist survey, UK, 2023. For verification

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