Corsodyl Gum + Breath & Sensitivity – Stannous Fluoride and Zinc science

Stannous fluoride and zinc molecules in Corsodyl toothpaste

Supporting you to enhance your patients’ clean

We know that a regular brushing combined with flossing are the foundation for good gum health, and that there’s no substitute for the mechanical clean in-clinic.

Preventing gum disease at home requires a strict daily routine, but that’s easier said than done for a lot of patients: many find it difficult to stick to a good routine every day.

Small changes – such as changing to a specialist gum health toothpaste – can help.

Corsodyl Gum + Breath & Sensitivity has a unique formulation, containing stannous fluoride and zinc, to work in partnership with you, helping to enhance your patients’ daily clean*.

Keep reading to find out how.

* Vs brushing with a SMFP/sodium monofluorophosphate paste

Worried woman at sink

Patient motivation and behaviours

Patient insights drawn from our Usage & Attitude study (U&A) explore patient motivations and behaviours in addressing their gingival health issues and additional oral health concerns.1

Different people need different approaches, both in empathy and motivation.1

For illustrative purposes, we have developed some patient profiles to help you better encourage behaviour change and select the most suitable oral health product for each individual.

Clinical Outcomes: Gingival Health

  • Different perspectives. Different needs

    Woman brushing teeth in the mirror

    The unsure patient

    Some patients are aware they have oral health issues but may be too self-conscious or embarrassed to open a conversation with you – for example, about malodour. They are motivated to change their oral care habits but often don’t know how.1

    Simply reassuring them that there is a solution may be sufficient to help them make changes to their oral health routine.1

    Recommending a specialist toothpaste – such as Corsodyl Gum + Breath & Sensitivity – could be the starting point for a more in-depth conversation about ways to improve their gingival health care.

    See how the unique formulation, containing stannous fluoride and zinc, works and what this could mean for these patients.

    Read on to find out more

  • The naïve patient

    A man examines his inner mouth in the bathroom mirror searching for signs of gingivitis or gum disease.

    The naïve patient

    Some patients are unaware that they have early signs of potential gum disease.

    Although they may notice bleeding when they brush, they do not see this as a worry and believe their oral health is good.1

    You can help these patients understand the significance of the symptoms they are already experiencing. They may also benefit from a specialist gum health toothpaste, like Corsodyl.

    Find out how the specialist sodium bicarbonate formulation of Corsodyl Complete Protection can help patients like these.

    Read more

Corsodyl Gum + Breath & Sensitivity: a unique formulation containing stannous fluoride and zinc

Stannous fluoride & zinc works in three ways to support you and help your patients enhance their brushing efforts, for their gingival health, malodour protection and to help protect their sensitive teeth.

Its unique formulation contains stannous fluoride:

1. Clinically proven to enhance plaque removal* and help prevent gum problems2

  • Inhibits regrowth of plaque bacteria
  • By disrupting their metabolic activity
  • Thus, limiting their viability

2. Clinically proven to help protect sensitive teeth

It also contains zinc:

3. Helps to freshen patients’ breath3,4

  • Zinc ions attach to plaque bacteria
  • Creating a layer that binds to malodorous sulfur compounds
  • Neutralising them to freshen breath
  • Clinical Outcomes: Gingival Health

    Graph showing that Corsodyl toothpaste can help reduce plaque by up to 20% compared with other toothpastes

    Clinically proven to enhance plaque removal and keep gingiva healthy*2

    Corsodyl Gum + Breath & Sensitivity removes 3x more plaque build-up than a sodium monofluorophosphate toothpaste (p<0.0001)**2

    *Vs a sodium monofluorophosphate toothpaste, with twice daily brushing

    **with twice daily brushing

  • Clinical Outcomes: Malodour

    Graphic showing how Corsodyl toothpaste uses zinc to help neutralise odours

    Neutralises malodorous volatile compounds to help purify the breath

    Corsodyl Gum + Breath & Sensitivity contains zinc to neutralise the malodorous sulfur compounds (VSCs) produced by oral bacteria, helping to freshen your patients’ breath3-5

Explore more resources for gum health

The Corsodyl range

The Corsodyl range

Our product formulations work alongside mechanical cleaning for effective daily plaque control to help you manage your patients' gingivitis.

Find out more

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Order Samples

Request toothpaste samples for your patients today and start them on a path to enhanced plaque removal and better gum health.

Find out more

Image of sodium bicarbonate molecule

The science of sodium bicarbonate

Find out more about Corsodyl Complete Protection Toothpaste with sodium bicarbonate optimised at 67% concentration which softens plaque on the tooth surface, making it easier to brush away.

Find out more