Respiratory health conditions

Cold icon


The common cold is caused by numerous viruses from different families.1 Symptoms result in substantial discomfort for sufferers.2

Flu Icon


Flu is primarily caused by one of two categories of virus: Influenza A or B. These are the most common.1

The symptoms vary from person to person, and are very similar to the symptoms of the common cold.

Headache and Muscle Ache icon

Headache and Muscle Ache

Headaches and muscle aches are caused by the body’s immune response to a viral infection.10

They are commonly reported symptoms of a viral flu infection, sometimes causing severe discomfort.7–9

Fever and chills icon

Fever and Chills

When the body is suffering from fever, it is the body’s physiological response to a viral or bacterial infection,11 This can help to differentiate an influenza episode from the common cold.3,4,12

For an adult, a fever may be uncomfortable, but usually isn't a cause for concern, unless it reaches 103° F (39.4° C) or higher.5

Sore throat icon

Sore Throat

A sore throat, also known as pharyngitis, is a common symptom of both the cold and the flu.8,10

Over 200 viruses can cause upper respiratory tract infections in humans.6

Many symptoms are displayed as a result from viral infection of the upper respiratory tract including sore throat.3

Allergy icon


Allergic rhinitis is a global health problem, affecting up to 20% of people globally.7

For people with allergies, persistent or repetitive exposure to allergens, which are typically innocuous substances, results in chronic allergic inflammation.1

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