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Our mission

Pharmacist and a patient in profile looking at each other. Igniting patient behaviour change that lasts

From cutting-edge research to lasting behaviour change

Do you know what drives your patient’s behaviour?

At Haleon, we understand that healthcare means more than just caring for patient health. As pharmacists and dental professionals, you work hard to build trusted relationships with each individual as a person, not just a patient, supporting them to make good decisions about their health, live well and thrive. Our work too, is based on a deep human understanding. But together, can we go deeper?

A key pillar of patient care is establishing lasting patient change, and driving change starts with a deep understanding of people and their behaviours; something the fields of human sciences have understood for decades.

That's why we've established the Centre for Human Sciences. An interdisciplinary team with one mission in mind: to support pharmacists and dental professionals in driving meaningful behaviour change in their patients’ lives.

We’re bringing together healthcare practitioners and experts in human sciences, to collaborate and discover the deeper humanity in practitioner-patient interactions. With empathy and trusted science, we aim to enhance patient care by finding new ways to motivate and support the lasting change you would like to see.

Unlocking the potential in patient care with human sciences

Research from human sciences has already proven valuable across many areas of healthcare such as medication adherence1, tackling misinformation2 and hand hygiene behaviours3.

Human sciences comprise established research from fields including behavioural, psychological and social sciences. Through models, theories, real-world studies and data, this vast area of science can help us better understand patients. From learning how beliefs impact behaviour, to the complex drivers that underpin patient decision-making and, ultimately, how we can nudge people towards change.

There is abundant opportunity to utilise these learnings in everyday health settings like pharmacies and dental surgeries.

The Centre for Human Sciences brings together experts such as psychologists and behavioural scientists, to lend their expertise and help us to create tools and solutions that harness human sciences, and you can use in practice.

Learn more about the importance of the human sciences in healthcare.

Patient in a dental chair smiles at a dentist as he is shown something on the dentist’s tablet

Creating real-world tools and solutions to support your patient care

Your day-to-day patient interactions are full of opportunities to apply learnings from human sciences. With the breadth and depth of research to be drawn on, there is a world of possible applications waiting to be discovered. They could range from tools which define patient behaviour types to a workshop on patient belief barriers or a digital solution to support face-to-face conversations.

To ensure we have the greatest possible impact, we'll utilise expertise from the categories Haleon operates within by focusing on barriers in pain relief, oral health and wellness. However, we know that no-one understands the challenges faced by pharmacists and dental professionals like pharmacists and dental professionals themselves so on our faculty, healthcare practitioners will join forces with the experts in human sciences.

Combining human science expertise with real-world insight, we aim to create practical tools that drive measurable behaviour change. Tools that don’t add burden and you can use every day with your patients.

A patient in pain talks to a pharmacist as they look at a product together.

We’re supporting pain management in pharmacy as our first commitment

Despite the availability of effective and accessible pain relief, many people still suffer. Patient’s attitudes to pain, medication and seeking help can all create barriers to their own relief.4 Learnings from human sciences can provide tools to help overcome them.

Learn more about our plan to create these tools and meet our faculty.

Learn more

A tablet shows a visualisation of the online discussion forum.

We’re calling on practising pharmacists to help shape the tools we’re creating for you

Ensure the tools we create for you are right for you. Chat, debate and evaluate ideas with other pharmacists around the world through our online discussion forum and direct the work of our faculty. This will be a two-way conversation; we’ll also share updates on the progress of the expert faculty and how learnings from the discussion board are being used.

Join the discussion today and drive the change you would like to see.

Sign-up now

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the outputs from the Centre for Human Sciences?

    What makes the Centre for Human Sciences so exciting is the endless possibilities it offers. Regardless of the direction we go in, our solutions will always be:

    • Supported by the latest, high-quality research from behavioural, psychological and social sciences
    • Grounded in insight from health practitioners so they are practical, cost- and time-effective to use in real patient interactions
    • Tested and monitored over time to ensure they effectively tackle barriers to patient change, and ultimately improve patient outcomes

    We will also provide learning resources about the uses and applications of human sciences in healthcare. These resources, provided through Haleon HealthPartner, will provide you with a key foundation for understanding how and where human sciences might enhance your patient interactions and care in pharmacy and dental settings.

  • How will the Centre for Human Sciences arrive at real-world tools and solutions?

    Our process is a clear and effective one.

    The Centre for Human Sciences adopts the well-established methodology known as “Design Thinking”.5 The principles of Design Thinking are widely used across many industries to structure innovation processes, keeping them on track and accountable. The main stages of Design Thinking are:5

    Infographic showing the 5 stages of the Design Thinking process: emphasise, define, ideate, prototype and test.

    Design thinking has been described as a human-centered approach to innovation that integrates the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.5 Our faculty of human scientists and healthcare practitioners will be guided by the principles of Design Thinking when developing tools and solutions as part of our commitment. The process is non-linear and iterative to allow us to keep redesigning and improving our solutions, ensuring they’re effective and useful.5 This strategic framework doesn’t limit us, but it empowers us to continually challenge how best to deliver on our commitment.

  • When will the Centre for Human Sciences have tools to share?

    The timing of our tools and solutions will vary depending on their nature. We are currently in the early phases of our first commitment: supporting pain management in pharmacy. This involves gathering the human understanding we need to inform the foundation of the tools we will create. We’ll then prototype and test to ensure the final tools and solutions are ready to be shared. However, throughout this process we will be calling on healthcare practitioners to input and share their opinions too.

Learn more about the power of human sciences

Woman brushes her teeth in a mirror.

Putting research into practice

Learn more about the practical applications of human sciences research.

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A patient in pain talks to a pharmacist as they look at a product together.

Supporting patients in pain

Find out why we think human sciences research can support pain management in pharmacy.

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Two faculty members face each other.

Meet the faculty

Learn more about the pharmacists and experts in human sciences who are working together.

Learn more

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